ANDERSON — Over the next three weeks, residents are being asked to participate in a survey on the development of a new comprehensive plan for Madison County.
The process for developing a plan that will set the direction for growth and development for the next two decades started last November.
Jerry Bridges, executive director of the Madison County Council of Governments, which is developing the first comprehensive plan for the county since 2001, said Thursday the staff is finalizing a vision statement. He said a draft of the comprehensive plan should be completed this fall.
Once completed, the comprehensive plan must be approved by the Madison County Plan Commissionand Board of Zoning Appeals, along with the Madison County Commissioners. Residents are being asked to complete a survey by July 1. Those completing the survey and providing contact information will be included in a raffle for a $300 gift card.
“I often hear folks talk about how they would like to see things change in our community and looking for ways to make a difference,” said Rob Sparks, executive director of the Corporation for Economic Development of Madison County. “Your input on the 2035 Comprehensive Plan will be heard.”
Sparks said residents will be able to influence growth and decisions concerning land use over the next several years.
There are several ways local residents can get involved and shape the future of Madison County:
• Take the public survey. Visit forwardmadisoncounty. com today to participate in our public survey.
• Participate in a focus group on topics such as agr iculture, economic development, housing, or transportation.
There will also be several public workshops this summer and fall to get community feedback on the proposal and vision statement.
Madison County has budgeted $135,000 for the development of the new comprehensive plan.