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Anderson Approves Special Use for Truck Terminal

Ken De La Bastide, The Herald Bulletin

September 6, 2024

ANDERSON — After the grand opening of a $30 million facility in Anderson, Scannell Properties has received approval for another $20 million investment.

Scannell Properties built a warehouse and distribution center for Corteva, a seed company that will employ 41 people, on West 67th Street and Layton Road.

The Anderson Board of Zoning Appeals on Wednesday approved a special exception for the construction of an Old Dominion truck terminal on 27 acres located west of the Corteva facility.

The proposed truck terminal is a $20 million investment by the company and is expected to create up to 74 jobs.

The truck terminal will be a 32,810-square-foot facility with 60 doors. There are plans for a second phase that will add an additional 20 doors.

The submitted site plan shows parking for 74 employees and up to 152 trucks, with the second phase expected to add parking for an additional 38 employees and another 50 trucks.



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